Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures to Improve Your Smile’s Appearance

cosmetic dentistry Culver City, CA

Cosmetic dentistry has become a widely popular field, especially in recent years. There are many options within cosmetic dentistry that can improve the appearance of your smile. Treatments exist for whitening teeth, reshaping teeth or even replacing missing teeth.

The most common cosmetic dentistry procedures

Whether you want to brighten your smile or make some bigger changes, your dream smile is a very real possibility with these cosmetic dentistry procedures. Your cosmetic dentist will address any and all concerns you may have concerning the appearance of your teeth. After a full examination to determine which treatments would be best for your situation, you and your dentist will decide on a treatment plan.


Coffee, soda, berries, tea and other highly pigmented food and drink can stain the outermost layer of teeth known as the enamel. These stains can extend deep into the enamel, where simple daily brushing cannot reach. Teeth whitening treatments can clear this staining. One of the most cost-effective options, whitening is also one of the most popular.

In most teeth whitening treatments, the cosmetic dentist will apply a bleaching agent directly to the surface of teeth. Professional whitening treatments typically take one hour and can last for years.

Teeth and gum reshaping

Teeth and gums that are otherwise healthy, could suffer misshapen or may be too long, however, this can be remedied by a simple reshaping procedure. When teeth are too long, a predetermined amount of the enamel can be carefully removed to allow for a more pleasing shape or to make the smile more uniform.

Dental implants

A missing tooth is an unwelcome distraction from the smile. When a tooth is missing, even one of the back teeth, it can be unappealing and painful. Hands down, the best method for tooth replacement is using a dental implant. These unique devices have been used for over 30 years in modern cosmetic dentistry. Implants are the only tooth replacement technique that can effectively replace a missing tooth, both in appearance and function.


These wafer-thin porcelain shells are custom-made and placed directly over the entire front surface of discolored, damaged and misshapen teeth. Some adults even prefer to have veneers placed instead of receiving minor orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth. Porcelain veneers are multipurpose, and can correct various teeth appearance issues. Want whiter, straighter and more shapely teeth? Veneers are the treatment for you.


Sometimes the solution for a misshapen or broken tooth is simple. Dental bonding is a process where the cosmetic dentist applies a composite resin material directly to a tooth to complete its shape. The softened, tooth-colored resin is applied to the edge of a tooth and hardened with a special dental light. It then becomes like the enamel, and the chip is all but forgotten.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are often used when a tooth is deeply discolored, weakened, cracked or has a large filling. The tooth in question is first reshaped to make room for the crown. The dental crown is then placed over the prepared tooth (or dental implant) to restore its shape and color.

The bottom line

Cosmetic dentistry has a treatment for everyone. To get started on your journey to an improved smile, call our office today.

Request an appointment here: or call Culver City Dental at (310) 272-5405 for an appointment in our Culver City office.

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